Friday 1 May 2009

A job well done

On Thursday somewhere out in the desert in Basra, the names of every soldier who had died in ’this war’ were read to the survivors who endured the half hour list wearily trying to stand to attention out of respect, under the heavy desert sun perhaps for the last time in 6 years,

some hoped Mr Brown would make an appearance for the ceremony but they were disappointed, others passed out from exaustion before the death list was finished. spirits were surely lifted though by the Brown message, ’a job well done’,

what has been accomplished and how it was worth 179 lives and nearly 1000 cripplings will remain one of the mysteries of war for now, rest assured though that now after 6 years of bullets inquires are poised to ask questions like

‘why did we go to war?’


  1. cant wait till david"killa cam" cameron becomes prime minister of the tiny island that we call britain.

  2. i like the way you put the music on there nice touch.

  3. very well done i really loved it

    scroll down

    NO NOT REALLY!!!!!
