Thursday 2 April 2009

peaceful protest at g20

The annual G20 meeting was held yesterday, Thousands of people gathered to protest against ‘higher fees’, a protest in which one man died. As he lay there, police medics trying to help him, glass bottles torpedoed down on them from the hands of angry protesters. Hands holding ‘Peaceful Protest’ signs mingled with hands holding ‘Anarchy’ signs, all were supposedly reaching out for the same thing. Trannys were against greed, buskers against ‘debt’ and heads were against the pavement. Shop widows exploded and rained down on people who perceived an interesting day out and maybe to make the world a better place, the spirit of the 60s collided with the culture of the naughtys and terror ensued. As sirens began to drown out the folk music, bloody batons tore through student sit down protests and rows of horse back police were over powered by furious costumed ghouls, and when the CS gas cleared and the music died, pickets were left broken on the streets reading:

What do we want justice, when do we want it now